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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kid Ears

So when I was packing the kids up yesterday I said, "Hey, who wants to go to the polls with me to vote?" Donovan screamed, "We're going swimming!" I laughed and said, "NO that's p-o-l-l Poll, not p-o-o-l Pool" Of course he stared at me cause he's 3 and he doesn't spell, but then he scrunched up his forehead, put his hand up and said, "Well...are we still going boating?"


So I just told Donovan that he really needs to stop sneaking candy cause his belly is gonna get so sick that they'll have to cut him open and put in a new one (Totally going for the fear factor here cause they didn't like seeing Tenley get or remove stitches) So, he said, "No it not gonna happen"....I said, "It might buddy, you need to eat better food and stay away from the junk. We need to get you to eat more fruits and veggies" He smiled his manipulative smile and said, "Well, just for today I'm gonna eat the candy, OK? Tomorrow we'll eat better" RIGHT!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Postive Reinforcements

So while I was making fruit salad today, Delaney was pep talking me, "That's good cutting mom, you're doing a nice job"...Then she revealed that she does in fact tell people nice things like that cause it helps them feel good and makes them want to do things that maybe they don't know that they want to do or can do, so words of "a currency" helps....I told her I too like words of a currency, but I prefer bills of a currency over words....Show me the Money!

First in Line!

Delaney is so smart some times....She told me today that if she doesn't know how to do something, she never lines up first, she always lines up second or third cause then she can watch to see how things are done without having to look silly when she doesn't know. Then she told me, "But it is okay if you don't know cause you can always tell the teacher that you didn't understand, but I really don't want to do that, so I just go second" LOL

Mommies and Daddies

So the kids were playing pretend and Donovan told Delaney he was gonna be her daddy....So he gave her a big hug and said, "I love you!" Of course my interests were peaked, so I asked what else daddy's do and Delaney said, "Well, mommies play on their 'puters like you and Daddy's change diapers"...."Really?" I was thinking cause Ben is rarely home to change diapers, so I asked for more...She said, "Mommies wear makeup and put on jewelry and daddies go to work" I said, "What about mommies cooking? Or cleaning? Or reading books with you and making brownies? Is that all we do?" and she said, "Well, you can put that on your list...how 'bout I add planting flowers? Will that be better?" I must put the computer away.....

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mean Old Witch

This story comes from my in-laws and just cracks me up....They have their house decorated up for Halloween, ghosts hanging from the trees, hay and pumpkins and scarecrows all around and a giant witch sitting on their porch swing.....so Donovan and Tenley were over the other day and they were playing outside and Tenley went to the porch swing, put one of her dolls on it and pushed it....Well, the swing obviously swung back and knocked her right over, making her cry....and protective big brother ran over to the swing, threw his pointer finger right up in the witch's face and said, "Don't you ever hurt my sister again!" Then he helped Tenley up and continued to throw evil stares at the witch...LMAO!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Let's play a game....

Delaney talks...all the time....about anything....she probably has to squeeze it all in because outside of our cocoon, she's very shy and quiet....So last night we went for a drive up to Mt. Washington to try to get kids to pass out....sadly its easier than fighting for an hour with our kids...so on the way there, Delaney just started chirping...."I can make a song out of anything, ask me to sing a song and I can, Bugga you like elephants, I can sing a song about elephants, and then she did, "Elephants are big and they sound like "Haaaaarh"....they like peanuts" It went on and on, to the point that Ben and I just started laughing....and before she could ask anyone else what they wanted her to sing, she said, "Let's play guess the animal noise! oink, oink, what's that noise? Donovan guessed 'pig', so she said it was her turn again cause she won, so this went on and on, different animals until Ben finally yelled out 'puma bear' for a cow....She said, "No"...he said, "a puma?" she said "no", he said, "a bear?", she said, "no", he said, 'a bear who's a puma?" She said, "No! Stop!"...he said, "are you sure its not a puma bear?" I'm dying laughing at this point, cause Ben is so annoying that he'll keep going and she just keeps saying "NO"....its priceless! So she finally yells, "Just stop, OK? Listen with your ears and then you'll understand" So she moo'd again and he yelled, "A puma bear?" I swear you have to be there, but that was some funny stuff....She passed out soon after all because Ben wore her down and made her too mad to talk LOL