This is more or less just a collection of crazy stories that happen in our home and really focuses in on the s#%t my kids say....ENJOY!
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So we're sitting here, tired as can be, just my husband and I, kids are screaming and playing, having an absolute blast, when my husband...
Probably shouldn't share this one but it cracked me and my husband up...My two year old is obsessed with basketball....Its all he wants ...
We went to eat tonight and no matter where we go, my daughter has to use the restroom. I think its like an adventure to her....anyway, we w...
You know how fun days can be when you didn't get much sleep and you have several kids to entertain but you just don't have the energ...
So the kids and I sitting and watching Lady Gaga perform on Good Morning America. Delaney asked me who she was and I said, "That's...
So more often that not, I find my words trickling out of Delaney's mouth, now Donovan's and mostly its humorous, occasionally though...
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Saturday, December 10, 2011
Nothing cuter than Donovan running down the stairs in the morning yelling, "I waked up, Mommy, I waked up!" lol
Donovan is running around searching for our Care Bear movie this morning and we have the movie but no cover....I know Delaney watched it in her room last and it was on replay about a dozen times, so I asked if she knew where it was. Her reply, "I disappeared it!" lol
Friday, October 21, 2011
Green Pizza
We ordered pizza for dinner tonight and the beautiful Delaney was passed out sleeping while we ate. Well, when she woke up an hour later, a little cranky, she said she wanted chocolate. I said, "oh what a perfect world that would be huh? but unfortunately you have to each something of substance. We did get pizza" She went over and peered into the box, then turned and said she wanted a different flavor. I said, "what do you mean a different flavor? Its pizza? Pizza is basically one flavor, different toppings." She shook her head and said, "No I want green pizza"...."Green pizza? Sounds gross, what are you talking about?" She said, "You know the one with the leaves on top?" I said, "You mean spinach pizza, with Feta?" Big smile. "Yeah, the green pizza with the leaves"
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Belly Bug
So my poor little kids have been sick with the stomach bug and just miserable, especially my Donovan, who just doesn't understand that he cannot eat anything while he's sick. So I was trying to explain to him that he has a belly bug and as long as he feeds it, he's gonna keep throwing up, so we have to starve the bug and kill him. He stared at me. So again, I said, you can't eat because you have a bug in your belly. Then he got a smile on his face, shook his little head and said, "Nope, its an elephant" I said, "you have an elephant in your belly?" He smiled really big and said, "yep, its an elephant" So I asked, "how on earth did a big giant elephant get inside your teeny tiny little belly?" He thought for a second, smiled and said, "Its a baby elephant" LOL So you better watch out for those belly elephants, they'll make ya sick!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Here's your Cookie!
We went this weekend to Christmas in the woods, Me and the girls, my parents and my niece Cassidy. Very fun time had by all. Well, at one point, we were walking around, I was carrying Tenley and my arm was breaking off, so I decided to put her back in the stroller. At that same point, my dad had just bought a bunch of cookies so he handed one to everyone. I took a bite and asked Delaney to hold mine, so I could strap Tenley in. She's a sweetheart, so she did, no problem. When I was done, I stood up and I hear, "Here's your cookie mom!" Followed by my dad's uproarious laughter (Not sure if that's a word, but its appropriate if you know Sam) He was laughing so hard that he was bent over, holding his stomach. Wasn't sure what happened so I took my cookie back and asked what happened....until I looked down. I had a very tiny piece of cookie left and I gave Delaney a cookie with two bites taken out of it. So I asked my dad if she ate my cookie and he said no. When she went to give it back she looked at both cookies, saw that mine was double the size of hers. She hurried and switched the arm that she was holding out, and put the other behind her back. LOL That's the last time Cookie Monster holds MY cookies!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Watch What You Eat!
So, with a house full of sickies, Ben told me to take Delaney to EatNPark and grab some dinner, go to the park, do something to keep us out and hopefully away from the germs...So we did....Well, while at ENP, Delaney started acting up a little, decided she wanted chicken fingers even though she ordered pizza....just minor annoying stuff...when, out of the blue, she got this serious look on her face and started eating...and more or less, shoving her face with the I went with it...didn't question it until she looked at me, and then looked behind me and said, "Do they always come in here to make sure people are eating their food?" Turned and two cops were behind us! LMAO She thinks they regulate everything and we use it any chance we get!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Cute Little Chubby Butt
So more often that not, I find my words trickling out of Delaney's mouth, now Donovan's and mostly its humorous, occasionally though, you think, 'great!' Well, the other day, I gave the kids a bath and while dressing them, I always play around and say silly stuff, Donovan usually gets the "Look at the cute little tushy!" and then he giggles and tries to cover it up....I bite his giant Fred Flintstone feet (aka, giant, flat and big enough to move a vehicle)....anyways, you get the I was doing the same thing with Tenley and Delaney was just giggling and laughing while watching..."That's the cutest little chubby butt I've ever seen...look at those chunky thighs! I'm gonna bite them right off" Laugh, laugh, laugh....Well, I jumped in the shower right after and you can guess what came next....As I was drying off, Delaney came and grabbed a 'giant' handful of my rear and said, "Look at the giant chubby butt! Its so big and cute" I couldn't help but crack up and was also very quick to tell her that mommy's rear end is never referred to as 'giant, chubby or big' LOL
too Grown for Sleep
So Delaney just asked me, "Do you know why I don't sleep in my bed?" I obviously don't so I asked why.....She said, "I don't sleep cause I used to color but then I growed up and I color in my room but when I get tired of that then I like to play with my dolls or watch TV or something and I growed up and don't sleep cause of that" Damn growing up....
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Clean Your Room
As all moms do with their children, I've been trying to get Delaney to clean her room...I tell her everyday, to go put the books on the shelf and the clothes in the drawer, dolls on the bed and toys in the bin...everyday because after the last intense cleanup, I said no more...I don't create the insane mess and I clean the rest of the house, her room means nothing to me anymore...I'm fine with closing the door...Plus, after my last clean up she told me, "Mom you did such a good job cleaning my room that I'm gonna do a good job and keep it clean." I beleived her...for a few days, because she did in fact try...I would walk in dolls were be everywhere and I'd say, "its lookin messy" and she'd start putting things away...well, I'm pretty sure Donovan is to blame, because I know he was sitting in a pile of her books the one day reading and I went into her room another day and he was sitting in the bottom dresser drawer, with the clothes all dumped on the floor...When I asked what he was doing, he simply smiled and said, "I sittin"....yes he was!! Well, I knew it was bad the other morning when I woke up and was heading downstairs and Delaney was standing on her bed looking really confused. I asked what was wrong and she said she couldn't get to the door....I did have to tunnel thru to get to some flooring...So I said, time to clean up...everyday, she goes up to clean and ends up playing...or she cries and says its not fair...we took away her TV and movie rights in her room and I'm tired of spanking, she has become sassy enough to say, "That doesn't hurt" and I may really hurt her if she prods, we take things away now...well, the other night, my creative little wonder grabbed some letters off the fridge and came over and arranged them on the table while I was working and then with an angry glare in her eyes, said, "This says, YOU have to clean my room!" I actually was so shocked that "bhsrmv" says that, that I burst out laughing....I laughed and laughed and laughed, really hard. I'm laughing thinking about it, because the look on her face said she meant it! LOL So anyways, the room is still not clean, I am painting and rearranging tomorrow, so I'm guessing I'll be cleaning it cause she went up a little while ago and yep, she's playing! LOL
SHHHH....I'm tired!
So when we were coming home the other night, Delaney up and announced that she was tired. Actually it was more like, "Listen, I'm very tired, okay? I don't want anyone talking cause I just want to close my eyes now and sleep, so no talking okay?" To which our little Bugga Boy Donovan said with a very serious and understanding, "OK!" Well, Delaney turned to him and said, "Bugga, I just said I don't want anymore talking, OK?"....Van, "OK"...Delaney, "Donovan, I'm serious, stop talking cause I want to sleep, OK?"...Van, "OK"....I told you stop saying that, OK?"....Van, "OK"....Delaney, "Bugga, I keep sayin stop saying OK but you don't stop saying OK. So just stop saying OK, OK?"...Van, again, totally not being a jerk, really listening, said, "OK" At this point, Ben and I were in tears laughing so hard, because she was getting so mad and he was really planning to leave her alone, I think...It was our own little version of "who's on first"
Delaney was sitting next to me on the couch, when she suddenly shifted, put her feet on the coffee table, slid down so just her upper back and head was on the couch and started doing dips of some sort...oh and grunting a little....I obviously started laughing and asked her what she was doing, to which she replied, "I'm just making my stomach tired is all" And she went right back to dipping....
Thursday, June 2, 2011
So nearly every morning, I get the Delaney wake up call. She crawls in bed and tells me its time to wake up cause its morning. Well, she has suddenly started to pay attention to me I guess because this morning she followed me into the bathroom, and then asked me, "Why do you get up and go to the bathroom every morning?" So I explained that its what your body does in the morning. It sleeps all night and when you wake up, you need to go to the bathroom. She scrunched her nose up at me and said, "Maybe you should try to go at night like me, so we don't have to wait for you every time"...and oddly enough, she does not have to go in the morning....weird
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
So the kids and I went to eat with my mom and while we were sitting at the table Delaney looked at my mom, who was wearing hoop earrings and said, "Grandma, I really like the headbands on your ears" LOL!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
A Name
So Ben was messing around again and talking about more kids, with our kids. He asked Delaney, "How many more babies should mommy have?" Her reply might be my favorite ever, "I think not all of them" LOL Then he said, "I think mommy should have at least one more boy for me and we should name him Searq" (Which is some old Irish name that is pronounced Shark) Delaney said "SHark??? That's just silly!" So Ben asked, "What do you think we should call the baby?" She sat for a second and then said, "Um, I think a name would be good" LMAO!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
So the kids and I sitting and watching Lady Gaga perform on Good Morning America. Delaney asked me who she was and I said, "That's Lady Gaga" So we are sitting and watching her for awhile when Delaney turns to me, after her third costume change and said, "Goo goo gaga wears silly stuff" LMBO!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Clean Up Time
So this morning I was running around trying to straighten up the house before my in-laws came over, and in the process I asked Delaney to take her blanket and pillow pet upstairs, When she answered me with "I'm sorry I can't, I'm just too tired right now" I got annoyed. So I told her that she now needed to take them up and clean up her room. She said no again because "There's too much of everything in there" Now, I was on a it was 'do it or lose toys', 'do it or you don't get to play later', etc. I got so many excuses, including "Why can't you clean it?" "Its too hard, its too messy" "Why are you being mean to me?" "I've already told YOU to help me!" and my personal favorite of "I'm having a hard time being with you right now if you're gonna throw my stuff away" Needless to say, I can out stubborn any child or adult for that matter and she did in fact clean up...but only after my in-laws came and said they were sorry they couldn't play with her since mommy said not until the room got cleaned....LOL I will win damnit!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
We had a hard core meltdown this afternoon...Delaney gets so tired and when that happens, she becomes someone else...Well, she started hitting me with her pillow pet and throwing it on my laptop while I was trying to do work and so I got mad and took it away and I guess I sort of pushed her when I did because she started crying and told me, "You pushed me on purpose" LOL Well she went and got I sat on it cause there was no way she was pulling it out from under me...but she did try and she started flipping out and crying and then she looks at me and thru her teary eyes, she says, "People shouldn't take people's stuff!" LOL That one made me laugh soooo hard!
We walked down to Dormont Park tonight and soon after we got there a 6 year old boy named Maurice asked Delaney and Donovan if they wanted to play hide and seek. They were so happy and immediately jumped at the chance. So Delaney counted to ten and he took off thru the castle maze...well, Delaney did very well keeping up with him and Donovan did exceptional chasing behind Delaney, but she could never catch him...and he just kept going...after about a half dozen times thru, she finally stopped, looked at us and said, "I think I'm tired of chasing him now. He's a tricky one!" And when we all packed up the leave, she yelled "I love you" to him....LOL Please, reserve the I love you's for family right now....
Monday, May 23, 2011
So last night while I was tucking Delaney into bed (and she actually stayed in there all night, amazingly), I told her that she was such a funny and smart and sweet little girl....She got all bashful on me and smiled and looked down like I was embarrassing her with my gushing...and then she smiled and said, "no"....I thought, aw, she's being so humble, until she looked at me and said, "No mom....I'm beautiful" God help us all!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
"C" is for....
So Delaney looks at me and says, "Mom, let's sing the 'C' song, ya know, 'C' is for cookie, that's goodie in a tree...C'mon"
Well, Delaney just lined her little Princess figurines up on the coffee table, Snow White, Jasmine, Mulan, Belle, Sleeping Beauty...then she looks at me and says, "I think I was playing with Cinderella outside and might have lost her"....then she got a thoughtful look on her face and said disappointedly, "We loose stuff a lot huh?"
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Jumping Rope
Delaney has this little crafty project where she can take these cutout animals and learn to sew by stitching the poked holes with basically a shoe string...needless to say, it has resulted in random shoe strings around the house...Well, after school today, she saw one and grabbed it...she held the ends in her hands and started swinging it, kinda like what you would do with a jump rope, just much smaller. Well, she actually thought she WAS jumping rope...She told me she knew how and that I should watch her, so I did...She starting jumping in the air, swinging the rope and counting, "One eleven, twelve, seventeen!" Then she fell on the ground and lay there, breathing hard. She put her arm up to her head like she was exhausted and then said, "Man I can jump rope good! Did you see that?" I don't know what was funnier, the bad counting or her 'worn out' act....
Can't Stop
So we were driving tonight, the whole family in the car, and we were singing and dancing with the kids, totally kills time and keeps the kids from getting restless...well, at some point Ben and I started talking and stopped dancing and singing...behind me I could still hear Delaney doing something but I wasn't paying attention...suddenly out of no where she yells, "Oh man, I just can't stop doing the Hokey Pokey...and I'm just so tired!"
Pretty Mommy
So while sitting and watching Grey's Anatomy, Delaney brings down her little bin of necklaces and bracelets and hair stuff and just starts decorating me...That's how it felt too, like I was a Christmas tree gettin all prettied up! After she was done, she looked at me, smiled and ran over and gave me a hug. She said, "You look beautiful! I made you..." LOL I Should've taken a picture but I had a sequined headband on, several bracelets and necklaces, about 7 barrettes...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Last night when I woke up around 1am from Tenley yelling in her sleep, woke up to the HUB on TV, which was playing old Batman shows, got up to pee and on Ben's side of the bed, Delaney was sitting, Indian style, just watching TV....LOL....I asked what she was doing and she smiled innocently and said, "I'm watching this show, they're trying to get the bad guy" Then she went back to watching....I totally was a horrible mom cause I said, "well I'm glad you didn't wake us up"....and I went back to bed....When I got back up around 3 she was in her bed....I gave up and don't care anymore...she goes to bed when she's tired long as everyone else sleeps and doesn't get disturbed, I'm okay with it....
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
So I have a giant basket of candy from Easter that I have up on top of the TV Armoire, for obvious reasons, but I took it down today and of course Delaney went crazy, eating so much candy....So after a half a dozen different chocolates I finally wised up and put it back and she got all upset and said, "Why are you putting it up there?" So I answered her by saying, "Because you don't know how to say when" So she started screaming, "WHEN WHEN!" I realized my mistake and said, "No, you don't know when to say when, you obviously know how to say it" So she keeps asking me if she can say when now....LOL
Monday, May 16, 2011
My Game
So Delaney got a new princess ball for her birthday and she and Donovan have been sitting and rolling it to each other, we toss it back and forth and she has discovered that if she throws it up herself, she can catch it she had her ball in her hands and she said, "Excuse me mommy, you need to watch me and learn! This is MY game!"
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tattle Tell
So Ben and I double teamed the house today....he organized the kids while I scrubbed the bathrooms and then once nap-time hit, he weeded and pruned and cut grass while I swept and vacuumed, dusted, folded clothes and did the winter/summer swap out...So, short story made longer, while I was inside, I heard Delaney ask for a drink from Ben.....He of course was working hard so he said, "Go ask your mother"....I of course was also working hard, so I told her to let me finish what I was doing and I'd get her one....A few minutes went by and I hear Delaney outside, "Daaaad, can you yell at mommy, she still hasn't gotten me a drink yet" Tattle Tell!
Hide and Seek
My poor Delaney just ran in all excited and said, "Let's play hide and seek togever!" Unfortunately I was feeding the baby so I told I couldn't at the moment, I was busy with Tenley....So she put her head down and started to walk out of the room, when suddenly she turned and looked at me with her sad face and said, "You know, it was my idea to play with you in the first place" And then she turned and walked away...
So Delaney and I were reading a Cinderella book the other day and in one of the scenes, obviously, the mice were making her a dress and there was a mouse with a pair of scissors. They are just learning to use scissors at daycare so she got very excited and said, "LOOK, those are scissors!" So I said, "They sure are, what do you do with scissors?" She smiled and said, "You cut with them and make stuff, cut paper, not kids, (INSERT her little pointer finger in my face) they are NOT for cutting kids" LOL
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Floating Monkeys
Delaney walked into the living room tonight and asked, "Mom, can I have a floating monkey for my room?" I said, "You want a floating monkey for your room?" She said, "Yep" So I asked which she replied, "To watch it float"......Makes sense
Delaney just brought me a jar of grape jelly, sat it down on the coffee table, looked at me and said, "I need a sandwich" I said, "No you don't, go back to bed" She then told me, "I need one, no one made me a sandwich today" ???? Can you believe she went the whole day without a sandwich? God Forbid!!!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Hard Times
Wow, Delaney just asked me, "When Is daddy getting home?" I said, "very soon why?" and she said, "I'm just having a hard time with you right now" Totally confused because we are sitting and watching DWTS together, so I asked what that means and she said, "I just need some time with someone else."
Hey Good Looking
So we were driving out to see my mom yesterday for Mother's Day and Donovan was sitting in his seat, pointing out the window at stuff and he just looked so darned cute with his crazy blonde curls and big dimples...So I looked at him and smiled and said, "Could you get any cuter little Bugga?" When suddenly, from behind me, Delaney says, "Um, yeah, I think so"
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I Can't Stop
Delaney has this new thing she does when she starts crying...if you don't get her right away and calm her down, she gets so into the act of distress that she says she can't stop takes a long time, she's quite stubborn, for her to stop crying. Once, We drove the 35-40 minute drive to my parents house and she screamed for most of it because she didn't want me to sing. Its serious drama and I refuse to feed into it, so it last very tonight, Ben yelled at her for something and she started crying and he told her to go to her room and she stood on the steps crying and said, "Oh no, its starting again, I don't think I'll be able to stop crying" lol Maybe its mean, but we are very amused by it...
So I pulled out a giant piece of Easter Chocolate, when my non-listening Delaney comes over and says she wants some. I told her that I'd love to give her some but since she doesn't listen, she doesn't get any. So she starts crying. And then begging. "Mommy, but I love you, I just wanna give you a hug" Nope, not buying it, go sit down, you're still in trouble. So then, her tone changes. "You have to share your food with other people. They're gonna call you a bad girl if you don't share. Its not nice not to share." Hmmm...Its also not nice to not listen....So I told her that I was gonna not only not share with her, I was also gonna eat it in front of her and enjoy it. (SO I reverted to 12 yo) And.....She's "not proud of me anymore!" LMAO
my belly
So I was making dinner when Delaney walked in the kitchen, looked at me, and while rubbing her stomach said, "I think my belly is getting a headache....
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
What's in a name?
So Delaney just brought me a rubber duck and kept referring to it as a I asked how she knew it was a girl and she said, "Um, because I know her name"...So I asked what it is and she told me she'd tell me tomorrow....LOL

So Saturday we went to an easter egg hunt and Donovan was obsessed with the Easter Bunny...would stand and stare at him, kept pointing and saying, "Er e is"...hilarious....He stood next to him at one point and crossed his arms after the bunny crossed his, would look in the same direction as the bunny....super cute stuff! And then, as if with total confusion, he looked at the Easter Bunny, looked at me, scrunched up his face and pointed to his feet and said, "Socks and shoes?" LOL It was a muddy field, so yes, the Easter bunny had on sneakers...LOL
In the lines....
So I came in the kitchen the other morning and the kids were sitting at the table coloring, when Delaney starts crying, "No! stop it Bugga, stop!" I look and my son is pulling at her paper, the giant color page that it is. Then she just sat and looked so upset for a minute so I ask what was wrong and she said, "I didn't color in the lines when he pulled it, now its exhausted! Its all exhausted!"
I like to do drawrings....
So Delaney is the queen bee now of coloring....She's actually getting pretty good at drawing actual things, to the point where you can actually make out a picture....its pretty impressive for someone her age, or so I think....Well, she brought her box of crayons over to me and her pad of paper, smiles and says, "Mom, pick an animal and I'll draw it for you" So being the big jerk I am, I said, "How about a snow leopard?" She thought for a second and said, "I fink its too hard for me right now, how about a bunny or a turtle cause those are the ones I know how to draw?" LOL Why don't you just tell me the animal you want me to pick? I did get a duck out of her though...
So I'm sitting on the couch feeding the baby and watching TV out of the corner of my eye, when the "Your Baby Can Read" commercial comes on, the one with the flashcards and the genius babies that point to stuff after seeing the word, you know that commercial. Well, Delaney comes running over, very excited, pointing at the TV, and says, "Mom, our baby can read! See! You can read, baby, you can. Mom, let's read with our baby"
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Didn't You Hear Me?
So Delaney just asked Ben if he could get down her UNO Moo game.....he said, "doesn't that game cause fights between you and your brother?" And yes is it does.....She just likes to line up the pieces according to color or animal and then put them away one at a time....totally kills time and plays nicely herself but our little Bugga boy grabs the piece and throws them or grabs and runs and she will chase him down, and wrestle the pieces needless to say, always causes a fight...we play when he sleeps....but she looked at Ben and said, "I don't know what you're saying" So he repeated himself and said, "doesn't this game cause fights?"......She rolled her eyes, sighed and said, "Didn't you hear me? I don't know what you're saying." LOL
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
So when we were at the zoo, we were taking a snack break by the shark tank in the aquarium and this couple comes and stands near us, obviously staring at the fish....Delaney started to giggle, staring at them, so I waved her off and shook my head, don't stare at people....but the staring continued , so I, of course, looked over at them....very pretty girl, stylish, and her boyfriend seemed okay from behind, also stylish, tall and thin, tight jeans and shirt, flip flops and what looked like out of control Beiber hair, pretty long all over, nothing too weird....she ran over, full of excitement and said, "That guy looks like Shaggy!" I was so embarrassed, I grabbed her and told her to shoosh....but she was giggling and said, "but he does look like Shaggy" Just then the couple moved on, he was laughing a little, so I think he knew, but when I actually saw his face, he really did look like Shaggy!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Cleaning Up
So I was just on a whirl wind of anger....more a ranting of "I can't believe how messy this house is"....when I went into Delaney's room and did the typical mom "If you don't clean this place up, I'm throwing it all away" rant.....So she started scurrying and putting books on the shelf and dolls in their baskets and she told Donovan he needed to help since he always messes her room up....and they did, both together, start putting things away....I laughed so hard though as I heard her telling him, "Good job little Bugga, you're doing a good job cleaning up, I just love your face so much....We are girlfriends!" I sound like such a ding-dong, and I say I because I say those things all the time! LOL
Two minutes later though as he was dumping the books back off the shelf, she said, "That's it, I'm not proud of you anymore for cleaning, cause you're now doing a bad job" LOL
p.s. I never tell her I'm not proud of her....that's one she came up with herself....
Monday, April 18, 2011
knock knock
So my two year old is telling knock knock jokes....or rather a joke....if you want to even call it that....he says 'knock knock' Who's there? Then he says 'juice' and falls over laughing....we obviously fall over too because its pretty darn he continues to tell it....
JUICE! hahahahahahha
So I was folding laundry and Delaney decided to help me...She tries so hard to fold it like I do so she usually lays the clothes on the floor and then flips it into a ball....good effort on her part! She's such a good helper.....Well, she was folding hers and Donovan's clothes mainly and then she grabbed a pair of Ben's shorts size XXL and said, "Whoa, this is some big pants!"
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Lip Gloss
Getting the kids ready for bed tonight and Delaney tells me she's gonna need some lip gloss....I told her no because she's going to bed and she informed me that "it helps you sleep better though" I never knew!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Just had our worst store experience yet, which really wasn't so bad compared to some stories you hear. The trio and I went to Target to pick up a few things and Delaney was just flakey the whole trip. She did the 'run and hide behind racks' thing and didn't answer until the third time I called her.....would see something and just stand and stare in an aisle while I kept going....Had to go back and forcefully remove her several times...nothing like pushing two kids in a cart and pulling one by the arm.....she also was talking at the top of her lungs several times....again, nothing horrible, but just enough to annoy....we had several face to face 'you better stop this now' exchanges in between aisles....I even bought Donovan fruit snacks for being good and purposely did not give her one to prove a as we are walking to the car, she is sulking and she says, "does anyone even like me?" What a I told her I always love her but there are moments when I don't, in fact, like the way she behaves, and this is one of them.....So she got in the car, found a pair of earmuffs on the floor and she put them on, with the head band over her eyes....I laughed when I saw it and asked what she was doing and she said, "Now I can't see that you're mad at me"....ha!
My 6 month old is doing what most babies her age are doing...TEETHING! and as all moms know, with teething, comes drool....lots and lots of drool! So she's been soaking wet the last few days, been wearing bibs non-stop just to soak some of my four-year-old looks at her, then looks at me and says "I think she's leaking"
So I was telling Delaney that as soon as the weather gets nice and summer comes, we can do fun summer stuff, like catching lightning bugs and laying on a blanket under the stars making wishes. So she got very excited about the wishes. I told her its very easy to make wishes, you just need to find a star. "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight" Of course she loved it, so we did it over and over and then she asked if she could make a wish, so I said absolutely! So she said, "I wish we could go to dinner with Gegie and Pap Pap last week" My husband laughed so hard. He said you're gonna have a super hard time getting that to be true. She also wished for bread to eat, ice cream and a pink bow with yellow polka dots for her wedding.
Nothing like the whole house being awake at 4:30am....My son can climb out of his crib, so things are running a bit differently right now. This morning while I was feeding the baby, my husband left for work and Van jumped out of his crib when he heard the SUV start up. Scrambling downstairs, yelling, "Daddy, daddy!" I was trying to be quiet but telling him, "come in here Bugga, daddy's gone"....NOPE! Had to go downstairs to retrieve him, afraid he'd get outside....So as we are coming up the steps, Delaney pops out of her room crying because she just peed in her pull-up and she gets so frustrated when she does that. So after changing everyone, we tried to go back to sleep. Took til almost 7a to get everyone back down, but I did it. So I fell back asleep and around 8:30, Van comes running back in, and at the same time, Delaney rolls over looks at me and says, I don't believe its still time for you to be sleeping" Really?
Monday, April 11, 2011
We're watching Dancing with the Stars and Delaney tells me that they are dancing like her. She is apparently dancing at night. She said "I wear a pretty dress that's red and green and white and I dance with Mickey and Minnie and Daisy at the clubhouse and with the princesses cause I like to dance at nighttime yesterday" She then proceeded to twirl around the living room and said, "That's how I do it when I dance." I think the 2am hair fix might be a larger part of the costume change during the 'Dancing With The Princesses"
Line Yooter
So I was singing the baby bumblebee song and Delaney got very serious and told me that there are bumblebees at school. So I said "really? Are you a bumblebee?" She said, "No, I'm a ladybug cause that's what my teacher calls me at my school when I pick a job." So I said, "what jobs do you pick? I didn't know you had jobs" She said, "yes, I'm a light helper, a door helper and a line yooter" I said, "Wow, a line yooter what's that?" So she jumped up and stood straight and stared at the wall and said, "That's how you do it. You stand in line and be a good girl" I laughed so hard. I said, "You mean a line leader? Do you lead the line of kids?" She said, "I stand there when I pick my job and then I do this (She ran over to the light switch and flicked it on and smiled) and I do a good job!"
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Hunt
With Easter so close, we've begun the hunting for eggs a little early. So this morning I ran around outside and hid eggs and then let the kids find them. Its so cute how excited they are when they see them and I did cheat a little with my 2 yo, he wasn't near as fast so I would point him in a direction and my 4 yo would listen to me and then run to where I was pointing and snatch the egg. So after that game, my daughter decided to hide the eggs. Well, my 2 yo was not missing out on the eggs this time, so instead of closing his eyes and counting, he trailed behind her and picked up the eggs as she laid them down. So funny to watch! That is until the 4yo saw that he had an armful of eggs and she started whining because "He's not playing the egg game right!"
No Yelling!
So I walked into my bathroom to find my daughter playing in the sink which she knows she's not allowed to do. I told her she knows better and I don't like it when she doesn't listen. So she looked at me and said, "hey, I don't like it when you yell at me" So after I yelled at her for talking back to me, I went about my business and came back in to find her playing in the sink, yet again. so I said, "Hey, I thought I just told you not to play in the sink" To which she responded, "Hey, I thought I told YOU, not to yell at me!"
The Confession
So here's a clue, my dear sweet child, when I walk into the room and your brother is crying and you look at me and say, "I didn't kick himself", you pretty much give yourself away.
Friday, April 8, 2011
We went to eat tonight and no matter where we go, my daughter has to use the restroom. I think its like an adventure to her....anyway, we were in the bathroom, and I noticed that she no longer needs or wants me to be with her in the stall, she no longer needs help with her pants or buttons and she most certainly does not need me to turn on the faucet or get her soap. SHE CAN DO IT! So, while I stared at her washing her hands, I asked her when she got to be so old. She looked at me and said, "It happened when I fell down the steps." LOL Now that I'm 34 I have to remember to hold on to the damn railing....I can't afford to age that fast!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The Picture
So I took the kids to Michaels today and we always get craft stuff to keep us busy so that mommy (me) doesn't go crazy....So today I picked up little wooden picture frames for the kids to decorate and we decided we would give them to daddy for his desk at work.....Well, Delaney got so excited over the frames, that while Donovan was napping, she decorated both frames (bad mommy was too busy doing work in another room to realize that she snagged his frame) Well, they were lovely if I do say so and she was super proud of them. So I said we'll have to find a good picture of you and one of Donovan to put in them for daddy's desk....She got all googly-eyed at me and said, "Or we can find pictures of just me for them, how about me picking flowers for you mommy, white and pink ones, that smell pretty and we can put those in the frames cause I love you so much!" LOL She kisses butt better than anyone ever!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
My daughter is my biggest stumbling block for trying to get out the door.....No matter what I ask, there is drama involved....The girl has been putting her shoes on for months, a whole year I think, but because I told her tonight to put her socks and shoes on, suddenly, there are tears and an absolute "I don't know how" This obviously drives me insane, so while I was putting her shoes on, I told her she was ridiculous....Well, I did not know that its a bad word to toddlers....She started crying and said, "Don't say that to me, I don't want to be that, that's a bad word.....I don't want the police to come and get me!" I never knew.....but now that I do.....
In My Room
The girl kills me....She just told me she was gonna go put some different clothes on, something nicer for the mall....then as she's walking up the stairs she calls down, "Mom, If you need me, I'll be in my room okay, just call me" Is she almost 4 or 40?
No Shoes, No Shirt....
No Shoes, No shirt, no....underwear? My crazy daughter just showed up to lunch without her underwear or pants on...just a shirt....I asked where her underwear were and she said they're in the bathroom...."um, why?" I asked ...."Because I didn't want to get them dirty".......Confusion has set in....Last I checked, you fill a different set of cheeks with your
The Night Life...
There's nothing like a good peaceful sleep....nice dreams, interesting stuff in a far off land and I'm always thinner in my dreams...I like to dream....I DON'T like to get woken up from my dreams, but unfortunately, with three kids, more often than not, I get woken up....such was the case last night...Sometime after 2a.m., my daughter, the late night partier that she is, and I say that in all seriousness, came into our bedroom, walked to my side of the bed and said, in such a sincere tone, "Mom, can you put this ponytail in my hair?" WTH? I said "NO! Get your butt in your room, what are doing?" And then, from the corner of my eye, I see very bright lights, her room a glow, a loud blaring princess movie pouring from her I chase her into her room, turned off the overhead lights, of course the table lamp is on, can't have just one light on, turned the TV off and the VCR and stared at her, aghast that she's looking at me with contempt...."MOM! I was watching that!" Part of me wanted to laugh, a bigger part wanted to scream and that's the part that seemed to win I did....I ranted for about 30 seconds about how she better put Barbie down, get in bed and I better not see or hear her the rest of the night.....She listened....but when she woke up this morning at 9:30a and crawled down the steps and said, "I'm so tired, I need to lay on the couch. Can you rub my back so I can sleep?" I really did have to laugh....and then of course post this....That child has quite the nightlife....God help us when she's older!
Monday, April 4, 2011
say what?
My daughter handed my husband one of her many naked Barbie dolls and a dress and said, "Daddy can you please cover up her nipples?" Luckily we were already sitting down or we would have fallen over with laughter....
The Motivational Speaker
Delaney kills me with her positive reinforcements....I always try to praise them when they're good and she in turn, does the same thing for everyone funny coming from an almost 4 year old...Tonight during dinner, she got off her chair, came over to me, gave me a big hug and said, "I'm so proud of you mom for making dinner....Its so good" Then she told Tenley, "you are being such a big girl and eating all your food. Good job little girl"....and my favorite...while coloring, she looked at my picture and said, "Wow Mom, you're doing such a good job staying in the lines! It looks so pretty" Goodness she's awesome...don't upset her though....she did tell Donovan during dinner that she was not happy about him and his not eating....
Getting Clean
Whenever I hear water running, I go running....So I just found my daughter up in the bathroom, sink full of water, a few naked Barbies lounging in my sink and her, with toothbrush in hand....I ask what she is doing and of course she says she's bathing her Barbies....I say, "no you're not", and she says, "yes I am, they are smelly and need their areolas washed." LMAO!! We talk too much in this house and I'm pretty sure she meant 'areas' but hears me laugh about nursing and the size of one's 'areolas'....ooops!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Two funny things over heard this morning:
When I was getting my son out of his crib, my almost 4-year-old daughter comes in and says, "Where's that little monkey boy? I see you monkey, good morning" LOL
Minutes later as I was making the duo breakfast, my son starts chanting "Juice, juice" I was in the process of getting it, but my daughter yells at him, "stop saying that to me, I can't get you juice Bugga! Its too hard for me! Mommy has to do it" I think she's insane....LOL
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Linguist
As all of you moms and dads know, a two year old is not the best, most fluid speaker in the world. They are struggling everyday to get words out and communicate...learning how to sound things out and the jibberish eventually becomes clear and understandable...well, that's where we are at with my son....He says a lot and being his mom, I can pretty much understand what he's trying to say...I get his 'speak'....My daughter, however, doesn't always get it....for instance....when he says daddy, sounds like 'day-ee'....when he says Delaney, sounds like 'day-ee'....very similar....pretty much the same....well, Delaney got really mad one morning and came running over to me, pointing at my little linguist, complaining, "MOM! He keeps calling me daddy!!!" LOL She was so mad!
Friday, March 25, 2011
When I say....
So I decided to teach the kids how to cheer....cause you know I wasn't a cheerleader, so it just makes sense.....anyways, we were eating lunch and I said, "When I say apple, you say pie...Apple...." Giggles, looking at each other laughing...."you're supposed to say pie"....more giggles....Let's try again, "When I say Donna, you say Vin....Donna....Come on, say Vin"..."VIN!"....Okay, "Let's try again...When we yell it together it sounds like Donovan"....nothing but giggles....then Delaney yelled "Donovan".....We tried Big Bird, Mommy Rules....all they could do was I told Delaney to try it....She said, "When you say sheep, you say sheep...Go ahead and say sheep Mom, its your turn"....I'm thinking they'll be in the game and not on the sidelines....
Probably shouldn't share this one but it cracked me and my husband up...My two year old is obsessed with basketball....Its all he wants to do...We have the Little Tikes hoop and he will dunk a basketball 700 times a husband who just so happens to be a basketball coach, couldn't love it son actually has combined the team, with the name....He coaches the 'Hawks' and my son calls basketball, 'Hawksaball'....very cute stuff....well, his first order of business on most days is locating the ball....Somehow every night, it seems to magically disappear and takes him a while to find...well, the other morning he was running around looking for it, lifting things up, moving stuff around, 'hawksaball? hawksaball?' Always best to call out to inanimate objects when looking for them....Anyways, I was laying on the floor with the baby when Van looked at me, smiled super big, ran over and started pulling my sweatshirt up....I started laughing cause I didn't know what he was doing until he started yelling 'hawksaball, hawksaball!' He completely felt me up and then looked at me when he realized that I did not, in fact, have the ball hidden in my shirt...LOL Made this nursing, normally flat chested mom feel pretty good....
'Killing' Time
You know how fun days can be when you didn't get much sleep and you have several kids to entertain but you just don't have the energy to do much....Well, that's my day....We YouTubed some nursery rhymes for an hour....always a good time killer, breakfast, lunch coming soon....well, I just said to the kids, "How about we all go and take a bath, just to kill some time" Sounds like a perfect scenario to me....well, my very literal soon-to-be four year old looks at me with total dislike and says, "No way mom, we don't kill! That's not nice" I'm so glad she's here to set me straight....
Thursday, March 24, 2011
So we're sitting here, tired as can be, just my husband and I, kids are screaming and playing, having an absolute blast, when my husband says, lets get ready for bed (7:30p) My daughter looks at us like we're crazy, points to the window and says, "I don't think so, its still light outside. We go to bed when its dark and we don't get up until its light. That's the rule" Our words always come back to bite us in the ass! LOL Damn Daylight Savings!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
So today was the Butterfly/Bumblebee field trip at daycare and I volunteered to go, being the slightly crazy parent that I am....Bounce U was where we landed and if you've never been, there are many, many, giant, blow-up bounce houses, slides, climbing structures, etc. Well, for most of the kids, my almost four year old included, the one climbing structure was horribly impossibly. I myself am still sore and hurting from climbing to the me, quite an accomplishment....well, my daughter made it to the top with lots of help from teachers and myself, but nonetheless, she made it up and down the slide....well, when she was done....she ran over to me and with the best, most proud smile ever, said, "Mom, I am soooo amazing!" LOL I think she has self esteem issues.....
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Well, My daughter is obsessed right now with none other than herself...She's almost 4, I think its to be expected....but its quite amusing....and sometimes not....She also has a new fascination with my computer and I mistakenly let her play games once or two hundred times, so she thinks she's an expert....well, when I'm checking my email and trying to do work, she can't help but get annoyed and she usually whines and complains that I never let her do anything and she just wants to play, etc, etc. I tend to get annoyed at the whining and so I told her until she learns to ask in a pleasant and nice manner, that she will NEVER play on my computer, because I can't stand the whining! So today, she tried a new approach. She came over, she smiled at me, put her arm around my neck and said, "How about you try to make me happy.....If you make me happy, I'll be happy!" I fell over laughing. Good try kid! She got to play a little but only because I was very amused and much more pleased with the 'happy' approach rather than the whiny one....
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