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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Clean Your Room

As all moms do with their children, I've been trying to get Delaney to clean her room...I tell her everyday, to go put the books on the shelf and the clothes in the drawer, dolls on the bed and toys in the bin...everyday because after the last intense cleanup, I said no more...I don't create the insane mess and I clean the rest of the house, her room means nothing to me anymore...I'm fine with closing the door...Plus, after my last clean up she told me, "Mom you did such a good job cleaning my room that I'm gonna do a good job and keep it clean." I beleived her...for a few days, because she did in fact try...I would walk in dolls were be everywhere and I'd say, "its lookin messy" and she'd start putting things away...well, I'm pretty sure Donovan is to blame, because I know he was sitting in a pile of her books the one day reading and I went into her room another day and he was sitting in the bottom dresser drawer, with the clothes all dumped on the floor...When I asked what he was doing, he simply smiled and said, "I sittin"....yes he was!! Well, I knew it was bad the other morning when I woke up and was heading downstairs and Delaney was standing on her bed looking really confused. I asked what was wrong and she said she couldn't get to the door....I did have to tunnel thru to get to some flooring...So I said, time to clean up...everyday, she goes up to clean and ends up playing...or she cries and says its not fair...we took away her TV and movie rights in her room and I'm tired of spanking, she has become sassy enough to say, "That doesn't hurt" and I may really hurt her if she prods me....so, we take things away now...well, the other night, my creative little wonder grabbed some letters off the fridge and came over and arranged them on the table while I was working and then with an angry glare in her eyes, said, "This says, YOU have to clean my room!" I actually was so shocked that "bhsrmv" says that, that I burst out laughing....I laughed and laughed and laughed, really hard. I'm laughing thinking about it, because the look on her face said she meant it! LOL So anyways, the room is still not clean, I am painting and rearranging tomorrow, so I'm guessing I'll be cleaning it cause she went up a little while ago and yep, she's playing! LOL

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